
Please send your manuscripts to

Contributions are classified into the sections Wissenschaftliche Beiträge, Essays und Berichte, Rezensionen.

Usual scope: Scientific articles: max. 30 pages; Essays: max. 15 pages; Reviews: max. 5 pages. Reviews generally without footnotes.

Please find here the stylesheet of brücken.

To a scientific study, please attach abstracts (each max. 800 characters) and key words in German and English.

Please send us the address of your workplace, the author´s contact information is printed at the end of each issue.

The standard editorial procedure includes anonymous double-blind peer-reviewing: scientific articles are reviewed by two reviewers (from an institution other than the author’s).


Illustrative Examples of Standard License Agreements (the final agreement intended for signing shall always be provided by the editorial board):


​​License agreement, license granted free of charge lic_nezam_bezupl_v11-1_EN.docx
​​License agreement, license granted in exchange for a license fee ​​ lic_nezam_upl_v11_EN.docx​